This system protect no one.

When I was working for this big crypto company, you could in 1 month be in the top performer, and in the next month you could be in the bottom of the list and your presence on the company would be then threaten.

The random nature of your destiny in the company is the same as in this system.

Life is full of randomness, we do not control all aspect of it, our health for example. Imagine being sick and that you have to spend thousands and thousands of dollars to pay those bills and that because of that you go bankrupt.

How can we accept that ? That no protection exist for the simple basic needs like health ?

When people will realize that this system needs to be changed ? That the capitalism will only bring the worst from us and encourage selfishness ?

Isn’t that clear again that this system feed Evil ? Even if for you Evil is just an human concept.


I often hear the sentence “That’s like that” “We can’t do anything” “That’s Life”

If everyone is saying that then yeah…nothing will change, but imagine if everyone would think the opposite, that indeed the system can be changed.

Everyone feel so little in this big machine and that’s understandable but don’t feel like this. No one should feel like this.

Instead we should feel the depth of each other and see that we share the same vision if we dig deeply enough.

A vision where money doesn’t have more value than Life itself, and where there is No Fear, where no one is above One but instead we are all equal.

Capitalism isn’t meant to profit our species, it is meant to profit a few, a few perfidy people ready to do anything to master the world.

Our system is logically sick and everyone needs to see that.

This pyramidal system blind us and lead us to this illusion that we need to always do better and faster than the other, this competitive system that doesn’t allow One to enjoy a simple moment.

It is a big lie that I repeat again will only advantage the few in the top of the pyramid.

We are all enslave to fulfill their dreams.

And we just eat the bones that they feel happy to give us.

Time is precious and it is a fact for everyone.

Since Time is Money, why do you think your time worth more than One or another ?

A society where we have to betray ourselves to survive or to live far away to make this precious money. Far away from the Heart, far away from our loved ones.

I hope mankind realize one day that the price of evolving so quickly has a huge cost on the lives of most and that this system will only and always profit a very little few.

Check the pyramid on the dollar, that’s not here for nothing. They call it “Natural Order”.

I call it lack of ambition, greed, fear and selfishness empowerment.

Animal world is violent but aren’t we smart enough now to do not use our pairs for our own ? Aren’t we meant to evolve and get away from animals primitive instincts ?

I hope mankind overall realize one day that Money should never have a weigh in our politics.

Because it is logic that the ones above the pyramid are the Evil ones that did everything to reach the top in this system.

And so it sounds logic that we are living in an Evil world.

It’s just math and logic.

You know that this scarcity is a lie, that this rush is a lie.

Machine, A.I, nowadays technology could help us to calculate every ressources and everything to offer all person in this planet food and shelter.

Only selfishness stop us from giving this to everyone.

All governement are lying, they even are telling us that there is a way between nations, but it’s all a lie.

They are all agreeing in one thing. Dominance of the masses.

Don’t you see that it’s all a theater ?

Russian, Chinese, USA, EUROPE, it’s all a lie, the real war is the Richest people against the rest.

Money shouldn’t maybe exist.

One should seek the wellbeing of everyone and shouldn’t seek celebrity or power, One should be led by the desire to do good for everyone and not only himself.

One should consider the all humanity as his family.

The Right path vs The Easy path.

Selfishness vs Altruism.

Don’t you see it ?

Even if you don’t believe in a supreme consciousness that created us.

Can’t you feel it ?

It’s at your core, the core of your heart.

Don’t lie to yourself by saying that there is no afterlife and then that it allows you to act badly.

Why such logic would be true and not the opposite ? Why would you chose the ugly path ?

Doesn’t seem to you to be the easy path ? Don’t it seems like a trick ?

Doesn’t it seem like a consciousness test ? Feel it, really.

You will get it. I’m sure of that, I trust in Life to teach you that.

I hate this system from his core, since I’m born.

Today once again my loved one is telling me that she wants to prostitute, because it’s easy money, she plan to lead us in Switzerland to make even more money, she want to feel secure so she end up by logic to make those choices.

More she speak about that and more I feel disgusted and I do not want to be in her way, in her strategy, I also try to find a job but I have no success. Anyway most job I ever did I can’t stay for more than 6 months, after that I get sick from my soul and my mind, it sounds always illogical to me to pursue a path that doesn’t match my heart. I always end up quitting or getting fired because I follow always my heart.

Those companies are forced to behave ugly because of the system, again and again in the name of this fake competition that will I repeat only profit a few.

I would feel complete on this world only and only when I will see this system dying.

A system where Money doesn’t exist anymore.

I never felt good at the idea of making money, what I wanted to do was always and only just doing stuff that match my heart.

But todays my dreams changed, my most precious desire nowadays is to change the world and kill this system.

I will have no fear and I will not care about the consequences.

I hope I will inspire many and that one day we will be able to live in a world filled with Love.

A world led by Compassion and true Science

A world where everyone understand that it’s important to act with virtue and reason, like the planet does when they are orbiting the sun.

A world where everyone understand that we can’t go forward without science and compassion.


This system is illogical to the global wellbeing of our species and even Earth itself with all his animals and plants.

I do not say NO to progress and evolution.

I just say No if it harms Life and make us act inhumanly.

Everyone seems nowadays enchanted by the idea of A.I

But what people don’t see even if this invention is great is that if we continue, we will be force in the name of competition to have chip in our brain if we want to be competitive and have a job.

Someone with a Neuralink in his head will have capabilities so high that it will be comparable to the difference between a monkey and a human today.

And in such competitive system that doesn’t take care of the minimum required for everyone.

It will by logic force us all to have chip in our head and thus changing our species forever in a ugly way.

We will be force to be cyborg even if we want to be close to nature.

I hope it will inspire you to shape our world in a better way.

I love you.